Friday, February 1, 2013

Top 3 Weirdest Inventions

1. Baby Mop
I think that this is a weird invention because you are using your baby as a mop! You can save lots of time cleaning and let the baby do all the work! All he/she has to do is crawl around all day! How much fun is that?

2. Worlds Largest Gummy Bear
I think this is weird because who would eat all of this without getting sick? This five-pound gummy bear is equal to 1400 regular-sized bears. I am sure that a five-pound bag of gummy bears is going to be allot cheaper than this big gummy bear. An average five-pound bag of gummy bears only cost $14.47 and this five-pound gummy bear cost up to $35.00! If you want to save some money than get the five-pound bag of gummy bears.

3. Dog Toilet Water Bowl
The dog toilet water bowl is weird because if you want your dog to drink out of a toilet then why not just let him because this will just teach him that it is ok to drink out of a toilet.

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